HUD/UI theme name: Windblume Festival HUD
Author: Reinforced Soul & The Melancholy Of Slime
Mod version: 2.1
This HUD modifies:
Main HUD (Main bottom menu, masteries, skills, items, enemy info, minimap border)
Death recap
Scoreboard, jungle timers, dragon counter
Special champion HUDs (Aphelios, Gangplank, Kayn, Kindred, Elementalist Lux, Gun Goddess Miss Fortune, Neeko, Ornn)
Practice tool HUD
Voicechat, surrender vote
Emote pop-ups, ping-wheel
Options window
Itemshop including particles
Made with Yoru's Simple HUD Template
Known Issues:
Little hard to look the score board.
Recommend Items color isn't good.

Download Here:

Thank you for using my mod.
Hope you have a nice day !
V2.1 | [28.10.2024] Update Patch 14.21