Custom skin for Garen , features his old model , voice , sfx and vfx.
This custom skin features:
-Old model
-Old animations
-Old champion portrait
-Old loading screen
-Old ability icons
-Old VO
-Old SFX
-Old VFX
VFX work has been done by UygarEXE.

[NEW] RuneForge is updating its website and all new mods are going to be posted on the new website moving forward. Click here to access!
Custom skin for Garen , features his old model , voice , sfx and vfx.
This custom skin features:
-Old model
-Old animations
-Old champion portrait
-Old loading screen
-Old ability icons
-Old VO
-Old SFX
-Old VFX
VFX work has been done by UygarEXE.