Amogus! Sus! Amogus! Sussy! Sussy baki! Amogus.
New model
New Sound Effects
Modified particles
New loading screen image
Modified portrait icons
Kingshound: Model work and particles
RoloRolla: Sound effects
Amogus Pyke art by https://twitter.com/diazex_art/status/1317571376677605376?t=b2tydR4wNQnK-NCa4cJ5cQ
Amogus drip model from https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/among-drip-04f3d7452bac4799bcab779e21d60f16
Knife model from https://www.models-resource.com/mobile/injusticegodsamongus/model/20093/
Additional info
This mod has chromas! You can choose from this cool selection of colors:
