Mod Information
Champion Replaced: Lux
Skin Replaced: Default
Author: BlooJae
Skin Version: 1.0
Description: Fall in love with 2024 valentines, now on PC! (Ezreal may come soon as well) In collaboration with Yozu
Extra Information
New Model
Replaces all champion texture quality settings
Replaces loadingscreen
New Particles/VFX
4 Chroma Versions (see below)
Uses Animations from Lux ASU Mod; Animations by; Sauronkaiser, Konradosj, Bearded Shepherd, Froggles and also created by Bloojae (me).
Each chroma has a unique VFX on the E (the heart color). Each chroma has its own chapter in the video (look in description).
Chromas are named as such in the download folder ^ each replaces the default skin, don't run multiple at once.
Changelog: April 3rd 24' - Fixed healthbar for 14.7