Skin information
Champion: Yasuo
Modified skin: Dream Dragon Yasuo / Truth Dragon Yasuo
Author: The Melancholy Of Slime
Skin Version: 1.9
In order to use this skin, you need to own Dream Dragon Yasuo / Truth Dragon Yasuo and select it in champion select.
New model and texture
Supports all champion texture quality settings
Modified loadingscreen
Modified in-game/skill icons
Modified particles
Edited ability sounds ( 50% get Spirit Blossom SFX in Q, Ultimate )
New voiceover
Thanks tarngaina, Darkaim for helping me with the model.
Known issues
Set "Character Quality" to normal or higher to get different tex effect.
Her sword will disappear when she put it back in its scabbard ( Like Artoria Pendragon (Saber) when she using Excalibur )
The model’s weighting isn’t perfect so it might have some issues regarding some animations
Download Here
V1.9 | [19.09.2024] Update Patch 14.18